I have been putting off bringing in the plants for as long as possible. Not only are they much happier on the deck, but they don't have to worry about the cats munching on them, less light and drier air. Plus, they have gotten HUGE over the years. Yesterday's frost warning pushed me into high gear, so now the dining area, living room, bedroom, beading area AND sound studio have their own inside Jungles.
The rubber tree over the beading area was a rescue my former DMIL talked me into getting from Lowes, when it was hanging out in the trash receptacle. It is now a respectable 7' by 6' plant, that has been cut back to bush out. It will probably be our living 'Christmas tree' this year!
We will enjoy living with them, even having to watch where we sit, or lean through them to feed Al Bird (who loves having his inside Jungle surround him.
Now, only the task of covering the inside windows with shrink film remains- it keeps the house above 40 degrees, even with no heat. With the heat on the lowest setting ( we use gas logs in the single fireplace) it becomes a comfy (and sometimes overly warm-feeling) 68 degrees! I would much rather put on a sweater and socks than feel hot!
Looks like you have been really busy. I have a terrible brown thumb. I used to be able to grow anything, but not any more.
I have tagged you for a meme. See my blog for details.
Oh, I have to bring in my plants today. They are so much happier outside. I did give them a bath a few weeks ago so they would be ready when the temps began to drop.
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