There is the old Yoda saying 'Do, or do not-there is no try', and boy, did he ever have it right.
I tried to stay away from beads, long enough at least to complete all my crocheted gifties, but all I thought about were my beads, and what I wanted to make. It didn't help that the yarn colors I am working with are black, soft grey and a mix from LionBrand; not exactly exciting enough to keep my mind off beads, colorful beads, beautiful beads!!
So, I thought I could just sneak in a little beading time-he-he-he. Most of a morning, that turned out to be. And I helped 'the cause' along by trying to make my circular knitting needle shorter by snipping off the center wire, then re-attaching it. Tried heating with a candle and mushing together- nope. How about some of my Gluesmith Glue??Pah! Forget it. Oh well, resort to duct tape? That works, but then there are those nasty edges that will catch the yarn...so how about some Aileen's white glue to fill in the gaps, and of course, it needs several hours to dry, so why not bead????
Excuses, excuses...still not sure my 'fix' of the circular needle will work, and as our Walmart sees not fit to have the double-ended needles for sale (and yes, I was drawn to them last Saturday, while perusing AC Moore and trying to figure out how to spend my 51% off coupon-twice!), I am going to have to put with however it does work to finish what I had in mind.
Still, I now have another beautiful ornament/pendant- Heirloom Treasures by Cathy Lampole is the original, found in the current Bead and Button magazine (Dec 2010-Jan 2011)pg 34. Great pattern, but didn't want to haul out any more glass balls, so got myself free of making all the little components. That led to 'why not embellish a little more', seeing as I had all that time waiting for the glue to dry on the knitting needle? It turned out two-sided because of that; one fancy- one not so much.
This is the result- I hope you like it- I do!
1 comment:
This is really, really cute!
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