And turn it into THIS!

Take one pattern that looks fun (and turns out to be easy as well! ), add colors you love, then keep on embellishing til it looks and feels right. Ingrid Regan showed us her version on Beaddreamz yahoogroup, and I loved how it looked. I am not a fan of loose strands of beads draping across my beadwork, however, as I am one of those that will hook them on something, then wheeeee, all the beads go flying! I did love how she kept embellishing the original Wiggle Room pattern by Julie Glasser, featured in the Special RAW edition by Bead & Button Magazine, so let my beads tell me what to do when I got to that point. I wanted bling, as I am wearing this to jury duty call tomorrow, but not 'in your face' bling. I also wanted it to feel smooth, but look textured. I think the final product was exactly what I wanted, and worked up in just a few hours!
Take that, you silly Ruffle Cuff ( where these beads were originally to go)!! My Muse and I will go and enjoy a cuppa Constant Comment, a bit of Dog Whisperer on Hulu, and plan our next project together!!
Click on any pic to make it full size.
It's perfect and I like it much better than the ruffles cuff. The turquise heart is perfect too. Good thing you don't live near me......
But I wish you did!! Thank you Lidia, and I am happy to hear I wasn't the only one disappointed that the brick cuff wasn't what it purported!
Way coooool, I so want to learn how to make that, I love it. So how did you do that one, any hints.
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