a packet from Out On A Whim, or Whimbeads, as it is more commonly known, arrived today in my PO box!! In it were two darling silver spiral cat charms, a cute gold cat face, and a 'made with love' silver heart! I already have plans for all of them...and will try to get some earrings made tomorrow with the larger cats. They are all adorable!
And then there are the seed beads, in colors I DO not have-hooray!! Some awesome brown AB 6o, which I cannot get to photograph true to save my life, matching 8o, multi-iris 8o, SL olivine 8o, a SL green which I think is more emerald (think Wizard of Oz Emerald City!) and a mix called Natalie's Jungle Wench!! I love all of them, and have my wonderful friend in Australia, Lynn, to thank for this lovely surprise!
Click on any pic to make it larger..
1 comment:
Oh you got a box of sparklies!!! How wonderful! What a great package to find in the mail :) Can't wait to see what you create.
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