Was it Loggins and Messina who sang 'Summer Dreams'? that song was running through my head the entire time I worked with this doll...from choosing the colors and beads, to the very last stitch. Yes, I am finally tired of Winter- LOL!
It helped that she was created during my visit to Durham, and the temps in the 70s during the day, the spring flowers and scents surrounding me, and those balmy breezes, that while not there to stay, were certainly welcome, and helped me focus on my Feb. doll for the Beaded Art Dolls group challenge.
Some of the flowers I collected from BeadFX in Toronto, Canada, during our honeymoon in 2004, and some just over the years, from the bead store in the Cotton Exchange in Wilmington, NC. The flat roundelles on the top of her back are actually plastic; now don't go ballistic on me or think I have lost my mind! Bebee found these in a packet, and they are called Pastel Souffle Fancies, sold originally in a store called 'The White House' for 59 cents, and were distributed by Franken Trimming co, 20 West 37th St, NY18, NY. Now, how long ago was any address in NY shown like that, without a zip code but with a district number?
The packet included other shapes as well, which I am saving for some other dolls- 6 pointed stars, shells, and hearts...
So, they are plastic with a history, and if I wasn't careful, were a bit brittle, but should hold up fine used on a doll.
I hope you enjoy her.
1 comment:
Gypsy -- Love this doll. she's beautiful! thanks for leaving a note about my Mommy Glove. I never thought about making a second glove for their next seven years. what an interesting idea...I'll definitely think that one over. thanks again! Rachel (rcbeads)
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