My DH Kurt said he 'needed' a pic of me, to go onto the back of his soundplay case as one of the actress voices, so off we went to Deep Creek. It was too beautiful to stay inside, in any case, and I had been sitting way too long, beading.
Usually I am the one on the taking side of the camera, so rarely have photos of myself. I was cracking up, trying to keep a straight face, as Kurt took some shots next to the DC Falls. Luckily for me, I got to carry the camera back, so deleted all the ones that made me look either constipated, or pole-axed! LOL!
The Falls had a decent amount of water coming down, and was freezing again at the base- nice after the Summer drought, with barely a trickle!
Oldest daughter Celeste had joined us, as she wanted to run up to the second bridge and back. Sure enough, just as we finished taking some pics at the halfway point to there, she was coming around the bend toward us! Runs like a deer, that one!
All in all, a happy day! Thankful, am I!
Thanks for sharing the great pix!I LOVE that you don't dye your beautiful silver hair, and that you are brave enough to wear RED lipstick like I do, too! We "women of a certain age" can make our own rules!
What a lovely place. You look so nice, glad you sent the photo. Thanks
Beadily yours
Susan Feldkamp
What lovely photos - I am so missing the mountains! Instead of walking mountain trails today I spent 2 hours pampering Keil Bay, who needed assurance that he is still the King, in spite of miniature donkey cuteness. :)
Aryd'ell, those are some beautiful pictures of you. I'm jealous of your your long lovely hair! Looks like a nice place you all went to.
Oh yes....I too wear RED lipstic!
Trade ya, Billie! I spent two days of last week with a friend's gaited gelding, brushing and talking, walking and looking at everything...I sure miss mine!
Aryd'ell what beautiful pictures. You and DH make a very handsome couple. I just Love your hair... and the red lips too... I love red "stick"
I'm just trying to keep up with Great Gram- she was married 5 times, but outlived all but one. That one she found in bed with
another woman, when she came back from the fields in Poland, and
tried to kill him with a butcher knife. He managed to turn it on her,cutting her nose (she was only 48" tall and about 90 lbs!), then
ran off. She bandaged her nose, took their savings and my
grandmother, who was in her late teens, then made her way to Warsaw,
and came to the US. She had been turning their savings into US
silver dollars, and still had a small chest full when I was young!
Bet he was surprised, if he came back, to find it all gone!
great pic's aryd'ell of you and that beautiful hair and lovely red lips :)
the family looks good - as does the scenery-five times eh??
gotta give you credit there-ive been to chicken to try it even once-closest i came was being engaged twice to two differnt guys in one year-VBG
That looks like a really peaceful place in the woods. Good for you deleting the pics you didn't like. lol
With 3/4 of our county the Great Smokys National Park, it is peaceful (some say boring) all the time! I love it here, and there are tons of places to walk, hike, ride horses, most of which you will not see another human being all day long!
Thanks for stopping by, Rising Rainbow, and I love your Arabians!
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