A friend sent me this pic of a bracelet bit, and asked if I could help
her figure out how to do it...mine is done in all one color- a RAW chart
can help her, and you, figure out how to do the color changes.
Enjoy- just follow the steps below, and feel free to share. If you click on the
photos and save them to your computer, you can use the free pdf creator
cutepdf to make them into a pdf to save for future use, offline. Of course,
you can use whatever program you wish for this.

If you follow the steps top to bottom, making the bracelet as long
as you want with the first RAW steps, remembering that adding
the netting will 'shrink' it about 1/2" (and remembering to figure
in whatever clasp length you are using!), you should be able to
create a beautiful bracelet for yourself!
Happy Beading!
What a great tutorial! And I love the pic your friend sent you. I'd love to know the colors used in that bracelet.
Thanks for sharing!!!
thanks for the great tutorial with the pics, too!
OK Terri- starting with the light blue and moving left- near as I can tell; Capri Blue/Amethyst/Purple Velvet/Fuscia/
Olivine/Blue Zircon
You are quite welcome, Lisa!
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