It took the 'make a bead ladder for the first row' to get this to work for me- talk about painless! I also made certain my bead ladder was tied securely with the tail to the working thread, so it wouldn't pull open as I began the first actual crocheted row.
To my chagrin, the galvanized beads I chose lost their color after I had completed only one inch of crochet....sigh. Pull off beads. Hunt through all tubes and remove all but the new, permanent finish galvanized beads (those go to the thrift store, or maybe just over the mountainside into the wild woods, for the fairies), put the new PF beads on, redo.
Ahhhh, THAT is how it is supposed to look!
Now, to teach myself to crochet with a bit less tension LOL!
Love this way of starting and the idea of offering the galvanized beads to the bead fairies. The rope is looking very beautiful.
Haven't tried bead crochet yet but it does look pretty. Nice work!
looking good but isn't it a nightmare those non permanent beads. just what is the hfcs or whatever it is that you're doing away with, top right...k.
Es muy dificil hacer eso a crochet?Donde puedo ver el esquema?
Me encanta tu blog tienes cosas muy bonitas, estas invitada a conocer mi humilde blog y a dejarme tu comentario.Un saludo desde España
>It is very difficult to do that to crochet? Where I can see the pattern?
I love your blog very nice things you are most welcome to know my humble blog and leave your comentario.Un greeting from Spain >
Thank you,Diana! Greetings from the Western North Carolina mountains in the US! I am glad you like the crochet pattern. If you click on the photos, they will open full-size on your computer screen. You will see what colors to string to create that pattern. Just repeat the color pattern over and over to have yours look the same.
I find bead crochet easier to begin with a bead ladder- I believe this was 6 beads, ladder- stitched, then the last bead attached to the first to make a circle of beads, with the threads pointing upward. You can then use your #10 crochet hook (1.30mm) to use those top-facing threads to hook into, and crochet from.
Good luck! I am going now to see your blog!
Thank you Lidia and Kristen!
Kaite, there is a new beader at bead class, who did a netted necklace from one of the recent bead mags, using non-permanent finish silver beads. Halfway through, the finish was coming off, and she was so disappointed. I didn't wish to step on the teacher's toes, but she should have mentioned this to her students.
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