We have a Beaders Retreat in Tennessee, at a friend's home on the lake near White Pine. As I absolutely love bead embroidery, I thought it might be fun to find a way to teach this to newbies. Folks seem to like my beaded, stuffed dolls, but those can be intimidating, even in a 5 inch form. Less than that in size, and you have to work to get in detail, if you are the type to get stuck on making things look 'real'.
So, came up with a simple fish pattern, stuffed and flat (the flat is fabric, attached to Pellon 70) with a basic line pattern drawn on that can give ideas as to what stitch might work there. Of course, I would encourage them all to 'color outside the lines' and put whatever stitch THEY feel they want in that area.
All the fish are stuffed, the flats are connected, so onto the designs.
Of course, I had to do examples for them to fondle, as that is what fires us up-being able to hold a finished product and imagine ourselves doing it.
Here are some photos of the fish for the class, and the examples. I am still working on the second half of the 2 piece cuff, and will work diligently so that I will not only have it to wear, but can post a photo of it later.
Click on any photo to make it full-size.
I WAS going to wait til I had them all done, BUT just couldn't wait any longer!