I went with a silversmith friend, Harleen Powers, to the Summer Solstice show in Greensboro, NC. We shared a booth, and while we both sold only one item apiece, the value of me finding out how much folks enjoyed my beaded art dolls was worth all the travel time, money and heat exhaustion! People actually came to the booth after being told by their friends that they needed to come see, and several gallery owners were interested in me bringing the dolls to their galleries.
Of course, it goes without saying that Harleen's silver, gold, copper and bronze creations were much drooled over, but the crowd, which happened to spend an awful lot on tattoos (from what we observed) just didn't have it in them to purchase one of a kind, real jewelry.
That's OK, there's always another show, and Harleen has her own gallery owners to satisy with new pieces before Fall.
But this whole thing got me re-inspired to finish Celebrate the Dance- a doll in honor of the Mardi Gras and Carnivale style celebrations world-wide, held under the same sun and same moon we all enjoy....I hope you like her as much as I do!
Wow!!!!!!! wonderful work!!!!!!!!
I love it!!
Thank you for the nice comments. When and where is the Bead Retreat
with Rypan? She is a very nice lady. I love her patterns. I met her at the Bead and Button show in Milwaukee two weeks ago. I'm in Georgia.
Do you belong to the Mid Southeast Bead retreat yahoogroup? If you send me your email, I can send you an invite- we are planning this retreat for sometime next year- not yet certain when, but it will be most likely held at a cabin we rent in Robbinsville, NC- just over the NC line! 24 of us stayed a week the last time, and it cost us all of $70 per person!
wonderful dancer Aryd'ell, very inspiring, full of life and energy.
Pity you can't find a way to do tattoos with beads tho!...k.
Your new doll is just wonderful. I get the feeling of Carnival/Mardi Gras. I'm not at all surprised that the dolls were such a hit at the show!
Wow - what a doll! And go for the gallerys!
Your work is amazing so fun and inspiring! I am glad you had fun!
Your doll turned out wonderful, I love all the colors. Very Carnivale/Mardi Gras looking.
The retreat sounds like it would be a fun time. We'll be traveling to NC next week to visit the hubby's parents.. beautiful country out there.
Hi, Oh my goodness how wonderful this is! Your work always amazes me and this is just outstanding! I hope that you have a wonderful day!
Hugs and happy beading...
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